Our Services

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Nurse on Call

This is a 24 hour on call service to provide information to help the community to make an informed decision.

Education committee

This committee is in charge of organizing in-services, health fair and seminars.

International Healthcare mission

TNA will organize international healthcare missions to Togo and other African regions and beyond to address to the best of our abilities and resources, the most pertinent issues of accessibility and care.


Community Outhreach

Collaborate with other organizations in addressing current issues of healthcare in Togo and other developing countries such as, but limited to HIV/AIDS, Malnutrition, Communicable Diseases, Mental Health, Women and Children Health, Geriatric Health, and Rural Health etc…

Educational Growth

Foster educational and professional growth among Togolese and African nurses living in the USA through networking and mentoring

Improving Healthcare

Assist Togolese and the African community in making
healthy lifestyle changes by providing information needed to make better healthcare decisions.